Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. is a leading manufacturer of military equipment in the defense sector. The Company’s goal is to achieve sustainable profitability and financial security in all areas of business activity, through the development of domestic innovative ideas, obtaining technological transfers, resuming and rebuilding the lost potential of the civil sector. Moreover, the essence of the business is expansion on the current and new arms export market and strengthening the position on the internal market.


The mission of the Company is to ensure the security of the country, focused on supplying the Polish Armed Forces with innovative and modern equipment. The implementation of these activities will translate into the security and stability of business operations. Operation of Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. as a company owned by the State Treasury, operating within the realities of Public Procurement Law, as well as market conditions, it should ensure a sense of employment stability among employees.

Security today and tomorrow


The Company’s vision is based on many years of experience and the recognition of activities aimed at the development and innovation of the offered products as a priority. Trust in products obliges us to constantly improve and achieve the highest quality, ensuring an increase in the company’s value, which translates into business success.

A leader in the defense and civilian sectors, setting trends in response to the needs of the contemporary Polish Armed Forces as well as other customers, as well as strengthening the position on the domestic market and winning the foreign market.


Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. is a company with a long tradition in the defense industry. Additionally, he has experience in the civil industry as a manufacturer of construction machines. HSW S.A. as a leading manufacturer of artillery military equipment and armored tracked carriers, it has a recognizable brand, guided in its activities by values ​​and standards that distinguish the Company from competitive enterprises, i.e.:

Employee orientation

  • we provide employees with stable employment conditions,
  • we enable training and development,
  • we employ qualified specialists and specialists.

Customer orientation

  • reliable and trusted business partner,
  • Professional approach,
  • ongoing market analysis in order to adapt products and introduce solutions adequate to customer expectations and needs,
  • partnership terms of cooperation.


  • HSW S.A – a brand with many years of tradition,
  • improving the product offer and its implementation tools,
  • shared ethical values,
  • innovativeness of technical solutions of the offered products.

Cooperation with the local environment

  • involvement in the development and support of the local community,
  • active support for charitable,
  • cultural and educational initiatives,
  • caring for the natural environment.


Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. being one of the largest companies producing equipment for the Polish Army, it is aware of the great impact it has on its business environment: the natural environment, the local economy, the macroeconomic situation of the region and the country, and its stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, communities local, suppliers, representatives of authorities and institutions. In pursuit of its business goals, HSW S.A. tries to comply with the principles of corporate social responsibility.

Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. in August 2019, it adopted a document called “Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. for the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility”, which is the basis for conducting a transparent policy and systematizing CSR activities. HSW S.A. intends to become an enterprise that serves as a model for a Polish socially responsible company. In practice, this means implementing activities that will comply with the principles of sustainable development and contribute to such development at each of the three levels of the Company’s activity: economic, social and environmental. Therefore, by implementing the above CSR principles, HSW S.A. plans to participate in a number of initiatives undertaken by the local community, public benefit organizations and associations, as well as in charitable assistance. The company intends to continue the chosen direction, i.e. initiate many activities, support and participate in projects organized by institutions, especially those aimed at the good of the local community and the promotion of sports and health. At the same time, making efforts to build awareness of the HSW S.A. brand. as a socially engaged entity and interested in meeting the needs of the local environment, not only in the business dimension. This activity aims to support a positive attitude towards the HSW S.A. brand. The local community and the immediate and distant environment expect that Huta Stalowa Wola S.A., as a large employer, a strategic entity on a local and national scale, whose mission is related to social good (national security), will be active in this field and support initiatives consistent with the Company’s goals.