Today’s challenges

At the beginning of the 2000s, Huta Stalowa Wola S.A. faced considerable challenges related to the low level of orders for military products and the effects of the global economic crisis, which particularly affected the civil machinery sector. These difficulties…


New opening…

The Southern Works were re-opened on 5th January 1945. On 1st April 1945, the infrastructure complex around the Southern Works together with Stalowa Wola housing estate was granted town privileges. The subsequent 5 years were a period of undertaking tasks not related to special production,…


Great plans put on hold for years…

The plan to build the Central Industrial District (Polish: COP – Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy), created on the initiative of deputy prime minister Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski and adopted by the Sejm in February 1937, started the process of creation of own defence potential of the Republic of Poland at that time. In less than…


Potential beyond control

In October 1939, German specialists took over control of the Southern Works and since June 1940 they operated under the name “Stahlwerke Braunschweig – Werk Stalowa Wola”. Potential of the plant during the II world was used for strategic aims…
